Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Le fleche

The anatomy of a good fleche:

1. Sensory neurone spots opponents hand pulled back against chest instead of outstretched

2. Sensory neurone notes that priority time is running out, opponent has priority, and one is most likely gonna lose and what-the-heck-lets-just-do-it

3. ATP undergoes chemical breakdown releasing sudden surge of energy

4. Centre of gravity of body shifted forward abruptly. Arms extend. Epee aimed at opponent's right chest (assuming opponent is a righty)

5. Body falls at 9.81 m/s^2

6. Legs kick off the ground propelling body upwards

7. Body describes a parabolic arc over the distance of, say, 4 meters

8. Sensory neurone registers one light which is not your opponent's

9. Motor neurones prompt body to jump up and down, arms to tear of mask, vocal cords to go "YAARRGGHHHH" in the most loud and obnoxious way.

10. Motor neurones prompt body to run away from opponent's supporters fast.


Reading this, I'd say someone has been letting the A-level get to his brain... Sorry couldn't put maths or econs in this though heh...

All the best for the remainding papers, people... and hey you know today I just cycled past the place where we held our JTS last year (no i'm definitely not hinting) hehehh... oh yar though I still owe quite a lot of people a drink hoho...
-Jon C